Alizée & Timothée
Architects holding a degree from the Catholic University of Louvain (Saint-Luc Tournai) in Belgium, we have founded an architecture firm of four architects. We cover the area between Lille and Brussels. We are currently working on several projects spread between these two cities, covering a variety of projects: interior design, extensions, enlargements, elevations, and new constructions.
The majority of our projects involve the renovation of individual and collective housing for private clients, as well as the design of professional spaces (architecture and interior design). We take an in-situ approach, working with the existing context: each project is designed based on the specific characteristics of the site.
We are committed to addressing social and spatial challenges, taking into account urban composition and the evolving expectations of users.
For each new project, we first propose an ecological principle to the client. We explore together many available alternatives and study how to integrate them into the project's design: use of bio-sourced materials or those with a low carbon footprint, assessment of the possibility of reusing existing materials on-site, reduction of demolitions, installation of energy-efficient equipment (pellet stoves, LED lighting, etc.).